Are You Enough?

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? 

Have you ever asked yourself, “Does my life matter?” 

Do the things you’ve poured your life and energy into have significance and value? 

Has your life made a difference?

The Struggle of Being Enough

When one of our Good Ground writers, Dr. Lyn Pace, suggested writing a devotional series on “enough,” I jumped at his offer. Lyn is a college chaplain at Oxford College of Emory University in Georgia. In his work with the college community, the topic of “enough” frequently comes up in his students' lives.

This sense of not being enough isn’t limited to college students. I’ve struggled with this question my entire adult life. I was a stay-home mom for many years, raising our children and managing the household so my husband could pursue his career in dentistry. Randy founded a dental practice that treats thousands of patients in our community. So my work changing dirty diapers, wiping runny noses, and driving kids to their activities often seemed insignificant compared to his work. 

And yet, our three children are my pride and joy. I’m smiling as I think about them. Raising them is the most significant work of my life.

When our youngest son, Drew, was in grade two, I enrolled in Seminary and completed my Master of Divinity over nine years as a part-time student. For many of these years, the seminary was my happy place, an environment where I felt challenged and fulfilled. But yet, this sense of not being enough plagued me. As a middle-aged mother of three, I was not a typical student. I often felt intimidated by the intellect and career trajectories of the young men in my classes, preparing to go out and lead churches and bring people to a life-transforming faith in Jesus.

As I worked through these feelings of not being enough, I discovered that they originated from my insecurities around not contributing to our family income. While my work was important, it didn’t help pay the bills. This fact bothered me so much that last year my husband compiled a list, “How Karla Contributes to our Family.” I keep it on my desktop and read it when I need a boost. 

Here’s a little sample.

  • Karla raised three amazing children who are all happy, successful, responsible adults with strong values and Christian faith.

  • She has and continues to manage the household: finances, logistics, etc.

  • She has created a happy, healthy home for the two of us and our children

  • She is the love of my life! (Note: I really like this last point. 😊)

You Are Always Enough To God

Christ is enough. To have him and nothing else is to be rich beyond measure.
— A.W. Tozer

The most crucial aspect of being enough is missing from our conversation. Our sense of being enough is not based on who we are or what we accomplish, but on the fact that we are children of God. Some day when you leave this world, you won’t take your family, career, bank account, or possessions with you. It will just be you and God. And he loves you and values you more than you can ever imagine. 

That’s why we chose Bible memorization as our “grow” practice for this week. Try memorizing these powerful verses from Romans 8 as a daily reminder of God’s great love for you.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.

Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

No power in the sky above or in the earth below — indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
— Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)

If you have moments where you’re questioning your self-worth, remember that you are always enough for God. And check out this week’s devotions in the app. Lyn has some great inspiration on contemplative practices that will help you see yourself as God sees you.


Peace be with you.


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