
The Heart of Good Ground.

In the parable of the sower, Jesus speaks about the importance of having the right environment for a seed to grow correctly.

”A farmer went out to plant his seed. As he scattered it across a field, some seed fell on a footpath . . . Other seed fell among rocks . . . Other seed fell among thorns . . . Still other seed fell on fertile soil. This seed grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times as much as had been planted . . . The seeds that fell on the good soil represent the honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a good harvest.” (Luke 8) 

Just as the harvest's success depends on growing conditions, your choices shape your environment and influence how your life will unfold.

In this parable, Jesus is calling you to be intentional about maintaining the good ground of your life.

If your good ground is loose, God’s words can penetrate beneath the surface, and your heart will grow and change.

If you supplement your good ground by adding nutrients such as Bible reading, reflection, and prayer, you’ll get better at hearing God’s voice in this noisy world.

And if you keep your good ground free of weeds — the things that pull you away from God — you’ll enjoy a closer relationship with him.

When you grow your good ground, your life with God will become more satisfying and meaningful.

Your roots will grow deep, continually fed by the Creator’s streams of living water.

Your trunk and limbs will grow strong, able to withstand the storms of life.

Your leaves will not wither. Instead, the sun will warm them, creating energy to fuel you.

And your branches will become home for the birds, and you’ll bring about an abundant harvest at the proper time. 

Who wouldn’t want that?

—Karla Warkentin, Co-Founder of Good Ground

 Want to learn more?

Learn more about our development, purpose, and passion for helping you cultivate your own good ground.